How to become ‘Instagram Famous’

Ever wondered how people get ‘Insta famous’? How is it people get all those likes and followers when they’ve only had an account for a year? What may seem confusing and frustrating is actually easier than you think! All it requires is patience, determination and oh yeah a couple of useful apps!

(This tutorial is aimed at iPhone users, however the same can work on Android devices)


Download 4 apps





Once downloaded make a folder like the one below (optional)



Tags for likes allows you to copy the most popular current hashtags into the comments section of the pictures which you wish to acquire more likes on



Morelikes allows you to gain more likes by promoting your photo to other users by earning coins which you get from liking other peoples pictures. This effectively lets everyone which uses the app receive likes by liking others photos.


4) Finally getfollowers is the same as morelikes but to receive followers rather than likes allowing you to promote your profile rather than pictures.


If you stick to using all of these apps you will gain more followers and likes in no time! But don’t forget to check your Instagram frequently and keep on top of it.

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